Sunday Practice Sessions: How-To


If you’re a SwingColumbus member, we hope you’ve heard about our free-to-attend Sunday Practice Sessions! From 5-7 every Sunday in April, May, and June of 2016 you can meet up with other Swing Columbus Members at the Ohio Theater to work on your dancing!

If you’re not familiar with working on your dancing in this way, it helps to know how to prepare. One of our amazing board members who is helping to organize these sessions has a couple of points to help you plan ahead and get the most out of every session.

How do I decide what to work on during free practice time?

1. Get advice from people who have done this before.

     – Other dancers you know

     – Rebecca Brightly’s online practice course

     – Bobby White on Beginning Your Swing Dance Education andWays You Can Get Better at Swing Dancing

2. Set some goals for yourself. Ask your fellow practice-sessioners if you don’t know how to practice to accomplish your goal. Some sample goals:

     – Incorporate one thing from the last class I took into my dancing next week.

     – Learn some jazz choreography. The Shim Sham, the Lindy Chorus, and the Big Apple are all done very often at swing dances.

     – Connect better with a particular partner.

     – Increase my repetoir of moves, stylings, solo jazz moves, etc.

     – Hone my style. Mirrors are a great way to know what you look like when you dance. You can also ask a fellow practice-sessioner to video your dancing to watch later.

     – Make finals at a Jack and Jill next year.

So, put your thinking cap on and get excited for Sundays – we’ll see you from 5-7 in practice room 4!